Point Studio is an eight-time Emmy Award-winning video and television production company.

Dedicated to delivering inspiring stories across every media platform, we are intricately involved throughout the production process from ideation to air. Our background started in live and live-to-tape television, and segment and series television production. We’ve now expanded to cover every production need in any television, video, online or live event capacity, including live streaming services.

We are inspired by the work we do for our clients and love to tell a good story

We have a deep expertise in creating stories that move and inspire, entertain and educate. We are meticulous with all aspects of our productions and have an incredible team of talented, passionate, and professional people – from international crews to live stream experts, from scriptwriters to videographers.




Suzanne Paxton is a five-time Emmy award-winning producer and founder of Point Studio. Her expertise is in narrative storytelling and all aspects of series and segment production for television, video, and online media. Her background ranges from sports & news features and production, high-profile interviews, long-form and short-form features, and live production. 

As executive producer at Point Studio, Suzie is involved with every aspect of the company from concept development to production. She was a producer with NBC's 2016 Olympic coverage in Rio, as well as Sochi, London, Vancouver, Beijing, Athens, and Sydney. 

A member of the 1996 Olympic Team, Suzie was a nationally and internationally ranked fencer in women's foil individual and team competition. 

She is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology with an emphasis in business.



Josette Persson is three-time Emmy award-winning producer with an emphasis in storytelling, series producing, & show running for live television, high-profile interviews, and segment production. She has extensive international production experience,.

As executive producer at Point Studio, Josette is involved with every aspect of the company from development and directing/producing to running large international production teams. She was a producer with NBC's 2016 Olympic coverage in Rio, as well as the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. 

Prior to Point Studio, Josette worked on breaking stories and features for ABC News Emmy Award winning show “Good Morning America”.  

Josette graduated from St. Mary’s College of California with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and is currently on the Board of Directors for Mary’s Meals, creating school feeding projects in developing countries.